New Covenant
The New Covenant is at its core 'Christ in you, the hope of glory' Jesus expressing his character through his people.
The incarnation, God clothed in human flesh, remains the heritage of his people. It is you in Christ and Christ in you.
With our identity firmly in Christ, we live out an authentic Christianity!
2 Corinthians 4:7 states, We have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and is not of us.
It describes genuine humanity as God intends, vessels
to be filled with something, to hold something — the living, risen Jesus. It is no accident that we picture lives without Jesus Christ as hollow and restless; without the Spirit of God as inevitably empty and meaningless.
The glory God intends for the Christian life is that we might hold an inestimable treasure, a treasure beyond price. This treasure is a transcendent power above our self, something wholly other. This power alone can change an individual from within, bringing genuine, complete and permanent transformation. We are merely the vessels. The powerful treasure is Christ alive in us. This is authentic Christianity — the treasure: God put the Spirit and life of Christ in failing, faulty, sinful men and women; the presence of the very God in our heart, manifesting his life and grace through us — Christ in you, the hope of Glory.