After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.
Mark 9:2-4
The Transfiguration was a little drama enacted for these disciples to teach them a lesson they badly need to learn, and one that we Christians today badly need to learn. And that is, that the Law and the Prophets find their complete fulfillment in the humanity of Jesus of Nazareth. Moses and Elijah obviously are representative men. Moses stood for the Law. And Elijah was regarded among the Jews as the greatest of the prophets. So here you have in these two men, Moses and Elijah, the representatives of the great authority to the Jews: the Law and the Prophets.
What this little drama signifies, and the lesson that is desired to be imparted to them and to us, is this: The principle by which Jesus lived his human earthly life, the principle that I call the Lost Secret of Humanity, is also the principle which makes the Law unnecessary to mankind and by which all the predicted program of God in prophecy will ultimately be fulfilled. When we discover what that principle is, that lost secret that is hidden in the humanity of Jesus, we don't need the Law anymore. Christ is the end of the Law to everyone that believes. And we also don't need the Prophets. We will discover that all the Prophets predict will be fulfilled by living on that principle.
And what is the principle? Over and over, the Lord Jesus manifested it, declared it. He said again and again that it was his realization that he was indwelt by the Father, and that the Father working through his yielded humanity would do everything through him that needed to be done. That is the lost secret. If every problem and every program in life is confronted with this realization — that God is in us, to do through us all that needs to be done, we'll discover that we have no longer any need for the Law. And this means that all God predicts will be fulfilled by this secret.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you are fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets, and as you live your life in and through me, I will discover the secret of lost humanity.
Life Application
Will you trust that this lost secret of humanity, that God will do through us all that needs to be done, removes the need to rely on anything else at all?