Indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:3-5
We can never discover the depths of Scripture's insights into life without first accepting it as true and authoritative.
We must first believe Scripture before we can understand it.
As long as we keep asking, Should this passage be here?
Is it genuine?
Is it a legend?
If this is our constant approach, then we can never get around to asking,
What does this say to me?
What does it mean?
Where is the wisdom hidden in this that I need so desperately in my life?
Those students and pseudo-scholars who feel they are a final authority on what ought to be here and what ought not to be here, never seem to be able to understand what is written.
They never seem able to say anything about the depths of Scripture, for they exclude themselves from understanding by their attitude of judgment over it.
You cannot understand nuclear physics unless you first believe the underlying axioms that have to do with this realm of human knowledge. You cannot understand chemistry unless you are willing to accept certain of the chemical formulas that have been proposed. You cannot believe anything until you accept it as genuine and put it to the test of experience, and this is true of the Word.
Billy Graham says that as a young man there came into his life a time of doubt as to the authority of the Scriptures.
There came questions as to whether the text as we have it could be trusted, whether this was the Word of God or merely the ideas of men about Jesus.
He was troubled by the questions that occur so frequently in these days.
He went away by himself up into the mountains, taking his Bible with him, and there began to read it, and read it, and read it.
He came at last to the place where he said to God,
I have seen enough of the transforming ability of this Word to know that you are behind it.
I know, Lord, there are many questions, many areas that I do not understand about this book, and take it by faith that it is your Word and believe it and preach it as your Word and trust that you will make clear to me what it means.
It was from this time that Billy Graham's worldwide ministry of evangelism began.
You well know that his favorite expression is,
The Bible says.
He does not debate it with anyone; he does not question it; he simply declares it.
Lord, I have seen the transforming power of your Word. I do not understand everything about this book, but I take it by faith that it comes from you. Amen.
Life Application
Have you put the Bible to the test of experience? Take one of God's promises today and act on it, trusting him to do what he says.