This website is supported by prayer, gifts and monthly contributions from people like you. Thank you for your friendship and trust. It is mostly by volunteers whose lives and hearts have been filled through Ray's teachings that this ministry operates. Each of your gifts goes directly into God's kingdom work to reach ever more people with His gospel.
The resources of this website are offered free of charge, and remain purposefully non-commercial. God, through His people, is graciously meeting our operating and development costs. We continue to expand this ministry, and now have professionally translated Chinese and Spanish language versions of our devotionals. This is sending the Bible's good news into cultures where access to the gospel is limited. What a faithful Lord we serve!
Contributions may be made online by credit card or transfer through PayPal, by clicking on the Donate
button on this page. Donations by check should be made payable to:
Ray Stedman Ministries PO Box 3088 Sonora, CA 95370
Ray Stedman Ministries is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Donations are fully tax deductible in the USA. Year-end Contribution Statements are mailed for all checks we receive. A Donation Receipt is sent by email for those using PayPal. Our contact email is webmaster@raystedman.org — please reach out with any questions.
Please know that your prayers and financial support are a blessing to each of us, and serve to fulfill our goal — helping people worldwide find and grow in a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.