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Most yearly devotional books are like eating in a school cafeteria day after day — you never know what will show up on your plate next. One day, a light meal may be provided from the gospels; the next day's offering may be something more substantial from the Old Testament prophets. Readers may experience a degree of satisfaction but still feel a nagging hunger for a more systematic and integrated approach to balance their spiritual health.
Ray Stedman believed in biblical exposition. As pastor of Peninsula Bible Church, Palo Alto, California, for forty years, he was committed to preaching through entire books of the Bible, or at least major passages from them. He believed that by presenting the whole counsel of God in this way, his congregation would receive truth in balance and grow into mature saints, as God intended.
Our Bible devotions provide a resource for believers to know more of God’s life-transforming presence. They are prayerfully prepared in daily segments, reflecting Ray Stedman's commitment to book-by-book exposition. A different book or major portion is presented each month, with a Bible quote as the daily focal point. Each study concludes with a prayer and an application question, helping the lessons work deeply into the reader’s life. Our goal with this two-year series is to give believing Christians the whole counsel of God as they study the Bible, encouraging maturity in Christ.
To view an example of our mobile friendly devotion email, please read today's Daily Devotion.
We would love to send you daily devotions from our books The Power of His Presence and Immeasurably More to your email each morning free of charge. Please join us today — as Ray leads us into the Bible each morning.
From the writings of Ray Stedman, compiled by Mark Mitchell & edited by Don Broesamle.
We pray God will bless you through this daily devotional.
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