He who was seated on the throne said,
I am making everything new!Then he said,Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.He said to me:It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.Rev 21:5-7
This passage suggests that the purpose of the New Jerusalem is that it will be the home of the redeemed.
What marvelous words!
This city will be the home of the redeemed, and the only qualification for it is that you be thirsty.
Nothing on earth satisfies.
Wealth, fame, pleasures and treasures — none will meet that deep thirst of the soul.
That is why the rich, the wealthy, the beautiful people, all are looking for something more.
They are not satisfied.
But here is the promise to satisfy that thirst.
People who want more — who want God — are promised that they shall drink of the water of the spring of life.
Peter tells us in his first letter that there is waiting for us an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade, kept in heaven for us
(1 Peter 1:4).
Those who are thus changed by God's grace are to be forever his sons and daughters.
By contrast, there is in verse 8 a description of those who are not admitted:
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars — their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
This is the second death
(Revelation 21:8).
God does not want that.
He is very reluctant that anybody should be condemned, but as the word points out, they judge themselves.
Here there are three attitudes of heart which result in five visible deeds that mark the lost.
These three attitudes are the reasons why some will miss this beautiful city.
First, they are cowards who are afraid to take on the yoke of Christ, who fear to confess Christ, who are unwilling to be unpopular for a little while.
They shrug their shoulders and turn away from the offer of life.
Then there are the unbelieving, those who know it is true, but don't want it and refuse the evidence, deliberately turning their backs on truth.
Third, there are the vile.
The word means to become foul.
You do not start out that way, but by feeding your mind with filthy things — foul literature, filthy attitudes and actions — you become foul-minded.
If any of these are your attitude, then out of it will flow murders, fornication, adultery, occult practices, and finally, hypocritical living.
Jesus warned of that — those who profess to be Christians but really there is no change in their lives.
None who practice these activities will be in the city of God.
Lord, you are the only One who can satisfy the thirst of my soul. Teach me to drink from your living waters. Amen.
Life Application
Are you thirsty for what only God can provide, or are you filling your life with that which cannot satisfy?