Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage — with great patience and careful instruction.
2 Timothy 4:2
This is the one essential that must be carried on to advance the kingdom of God.
When we read the phrase preach the word,
we think that this is addressed to preachers.
No, this word includes all the people of God, for it does not merely mean to preach. The word is really
announce, proclaim, set it forth.
It is not something you argue about; you declare it because God himself has said it.
This can be done over a cup of coffee, in an office, or in a car while you are driving to work.
Where human hearts are open, there is the opportunity to preach the word.
Then Paul tells Timothy, and us, how to do it: First, Be prepared in season and out of season.
Some have taken this to mean that you are to push the gospel on people whether they want it or not.
But as John R. W. Stott has wisely said on this point,
This is not a biblical warrant for rudeness, but a biblical appeal against laziness.
Do it whether you feel like doing it or not.
Do it whether the opportunity seems good or barely feasible.
In either case, be ready to proclaim the Word.
Then do it, Paul says, with a variety of approaches.
Notice how practical this is: correct, rebuke and encourage.
Those words reflect three different approaches that we can use.
is a word addressed to the mind — argue, reason, set it forth in a systematic way.
Many people have doubts that need to be answered.
But also there may be some who will need rebuke.
That points to someone who has fallen into sin and needs a word that will appeal to the conscience.
Sometimes it is necessary to speak a word that points out the evil effects of wrongdoing, a word that seeks to turn someone away from this.
Then there are some who need encouragement
; they need their wills challenged and encouraged to act.
Many people are fearful to try something new.
Here is where encouragement is needed, exhorting them and encouraging their wills to set aside their fears and believe the truth of the gospel.
We are to involve ourselves in all of these helpful approaches.
Finally, says the apostle, with great patience and careful instruction.
We ought to beware of pressure tactics that seek to make people act or say they believe when they are not yet convinced.
Many evangelists have resorted to psychological tricks to get people to commit themselves in an emotional mood that does not represent a real commitment of the heart.
The Spirit does move in great convicting power, but we are not to employ pressure tactics to get people to move.
Nor are we to abandon those who are slow in responding, but we are to keep on explaining, answering questions, applying the gospel to specific situations.
All of that is the work of teaching.
Thank you for the power of your Word, Lord. Thank you that I do not need to make it powerful, but simply to preach it and let it do its saving work.
Life Application
In what arenas is the Lord calling you to share the Word of God today? Where is correction needed? Where is a rebuke needed? Where is encouragement needed?