For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Scripture does not need to be defended, but simply declared.
Charles Spurgeon's classic maxim puts it very forcefully.
He said, The Bible is like a lion.
Who ever heard of defending a lion?
Just turn it loose, it will defend itself.
And so will Scripture!
I once thought that apologetics, the science of the defense of Scripture, was needed to answer the skeptic.
I would turn to archaeology, to logic, or to scientific confirmations of Scripture to try and convince a skeptic that the Word was true.
But I know now that apologetics may be very helpful for a Christian who is confronted with honest problems, but it is almost totally useless in appealing to a skeptic.
I would approach such people with the question, Do you believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
If they would say, Yes, I do,
I knew where to go from there.
But when they said to me, No, I don't,
I did not know what to say next.
Where do you go if people reject what you must use as your authority?
But I know now that it was a mistake to ask the question in the first place. How could I expect them to believe the Word of God? It is only the Christian who can have the necessary proof that this is the Word of God, for he has believed it enough to put it to the test. Therefore, to make this whole matter of the inspiration of the Scriptures a truth that someone must agree to before he can become a Christian, is wrong. It is putting the cart before the horse. No, all that is necessary is to use the Scriptures. If it is the word of God, it will confirm itself. It will have in itself inherent authority.
The preaching and exposition of the Bible establishes its authority. We do not need to defend it, just declare it, proclaim it. Nothing explains the world situation as the Bible does. No philosophy that is current today ever comes to grips with international affairs like Scripture. Only in the light of Scripture can one understand the total process of history. The very fact that in this ancient book, coming through such feeble and thoroughly human instruments, we have that which twenty or more centuries later is an adequate explanation of the things that are taking place in our own time, is a powerful and compelling argument that this book is more than man's.
Father, how wonderful that I should have your Word in my hands, and what a tragedy that I should let it lie unopened! Help me to realize that here, by means of the Spirit, you have given knowledge to meet every deceitful philosophy in our world today. Amen.
Life Application
Do you attempt to defend the Word of God or simply let it confirm itself? Find an opportunity today to use Scripture and watch it do its powerful work.